New construction
After outgrowing their previous home, this family was hoping to integrate modern smart home solutions into their new home, making sure that the system is easy to use, and will allow them to upgrade and extend functionality as necessary.
After outgrowing their previous home, this family was hoping to integrate modern smart home solutions into their new home but was somewhat apprehensive to take the leap. They had been living with outdated, frustrating technology for long enough and wondered if things could ever improve. Our team was challenged to lay out modern smart home options and bring the family in to see the real value of a great, easy-to-use system.
After spending some time with the family to understand how they hope to be using their new home, we learned about their daily routine, schedule and the type of media they generally consume. We asked questions about their entertaining habits, from dinner parties to welcoming visiting family, including how the family plans to use their outdoor spaces. Finally, we asked about the family’s comfort level with technology and what their concerns are about security.
Active, sports-orientated family on-the-go with four children.
7,500 square foot 3-story rustic modern home built in 2018.
Interior design

The family valued sound above television so we installed audio in zones across the home, especially in areas used most during family time including the dining area, patio, and playroom. To keep the temperature at optimal levels throughout the home, we made sure the family can centrally control the 8 thermostats. From the same interface, they control lighting across the home, from indoor to perimeter, using simple, scene-based logic. We created entry scenes that guide the children to their rooms and study areas as well as night time scenes to help the kids move around the home at night without getting hurt or scared.
The parents have access to a “mute all” button on the kitchen keypad to instantly mute all sound in the home, making it easy to get the kids’ attention. The kitchen also has a music button to instantly turn on music to a preferred level, making the kids less likely to turn on the television.
To ensure that the smart home components blended seamlessly in the home, we matched all the speakers to the cabinetry. Our distributed system puts only the things that are seen, heard and touched in the living spaces and locates all of the enabling technology out-of-sight in a closet in the basement. We tucked away all wires discretely behind the drywall. Thoughtful placement of networking equipment ensured that antennas remain hidden.
Since installation, we have provided our consistent maintenance and software upgrades to the existing equipment for both performance and continuity as well as security patches. The family asked us to upgrade the gym, playroom, and main television in the family room by delivering the highest quality content and bigger screens. In addition, we added the ability to use headphones to tap into the distributed sound system for workouts that don’t disturb the rest of the family in the early mornings.